Department Profile

Department of Hindi – Overview
The Department of Hindi of Union Christian College came into existence in 1944. Hence the department has rich heritage to its credit. From the pioneer Dr M E Viswanathan Iyer , the department has come a long way. Great literary scholars such as Prof . Raman Nair , Prof. P K Narayana Menon , Dr D Johnson , Prof. P C Koshy , Prof . Anil Kumar Utham , Prof . Usharani , Dr. V P Sheela add to the succession list of the department. . The Faculty Members who took charge from 7th March 2011 are Dr. R S Radhika and Dr. Ruby Elsa Jacob.
The department offers Hindi as Common Course to the Undergraduate students in the Aided stream. Also offering Value Added Courses which has been accepted by the students due to its topic distinctiveness.